health and safety
risk assessment and evaluation
The base for health and safety policy is a Riscio Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) and a plan of action. A good knowledge of working conditions are important for a proper RI&E.
SCC*/SCC** certification
With outsourced work, the SCC certification is the standard for safe working. SCC stands for Safety Checklist Contractors. SCC* is particularly focused on the needs in the workplace. SCC** has in addition a number of organizational requirements and a number of additional questions. To be SCC certified, employees must follow a SCC course and need to meet the demand in the SCC checklist.
SCC Petrochemical certification
SCC Petrochemical matches SCC**, with a number of mandatory supplementary questions. The SCC Petrochemical is the result of an evolution in safety thinking, which in addition to pursuit of safe working conditions also emerged health and environmental issues. SCC Petrochemical is intended for companies that perform work within the petrochemical industry.
VCU certification
VCU is based on the SCC system for contractors and stands for Safety Checklist staffing or employee agencies. The VCU certificate is intended for work where increased risks are associated, for example, in construction or manufacturing. Temporary agencies are not legally obliged to work with a VCU certificate, but there are more and more contracting companies ask for such a certificate.